A goodly portion of my bestest college buds are all sharing a room at a wedding this weekend. Not being invited to the wedding made perfect sense as it'd been like two years since last I'd seen or communicated with this couple and even then we weren't that close, but I am a little jealous of everybody getting to see eachother under positive circumstances. Then again, three of the five people sharing the room made up a rather dramatic love triangle a few years back and I've seen all but one of them in the last month, so perhaps it's better that I'm not there.
My sister and I are going out tonight and she's spending the night here, so I need to finish tidying up so she doesn't yell at me too loudly. Would help if the panic thing quieted down a bit first...
It's been 8 years since I last took a Spanish class. No hablo espanol no more.
man, if i'd read this sooner i could have life-flighted you a bottle of buspar.
hope you're well.
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