My bathroom's been taken over* by these little annoying flying bugs that hang around the light and shower. You'd think they'd be more interested in the dirty dishes in my sink, but no, they seem to like the bathroom. I got fly paper and it's helping some but I don't think the flies are actually attracted to it so much as they accidentally run into it, so a number are still zipping around. I need to do the cleaning service thing again, anyway. My apartment is bad and embarrassing again. My friend I've known since first grade and his new woman helped me carry in my groceries last night (they were my surprise plans) and I couldn't believe I allowed them past my front door. I'm such a fucking pig.

I also did something unbelievably stupid and left my car with the flashers on and the windows down in the driveway thing by my front door for several hours. I parked it there "temporarily" to make taking in the groceries easier, then got distracted by company and trying to get ready to go out while they waited and my dog barked his brains out, and completely forgot about the car until we left the bar and started walking back. By some miracle, my car was exactly how and where I'd left it without a ticket or angry neighbors. The second miracle occurred when there was a parking spot within a block so I didn't get stuck driving around drunk enough that I didn't want to be driving around.
Today was my acting improv class. Last one of the first session. We had a sub again (we've had subs as often as we've had our regular teacher) and I was completely exhausted coming in, but it turned out to be a great class. At the very end (and running almost an hour longer than the scheduled class ending time) we did some actual scenes. I have to say, I'm a huge fan of improvising but not trying to make it funny. It's like writing with instant-gratification, or playing pretend as a grown-up. I even did a two-person scene with BB in which he wasn't completely clueless/horrific. He listened and we were able to play off eachother. Actually, the whole non-comedic improvising thing reminded me a lot of the thing I actually enjoyed with the phone sex job**. You get to make shit up and it's all sink or swim and you get to completely explore yourself as a different person.
After class I went for food with just a small handful of classmates. SUC had to go to work, but Mr. Aluminum, The Model, and another female from the class were all going to some concert later so we stopped for food first. I'd like to point out how this whole code-naming thing really lends itself well to labeling people. I'm boiling all these people down to just what they do for a living for name convenience sake, though I suppose it's better to be "The Model" than, say, "BB." The female without an obvious code-name told a fabulous story about why she's no longer a vegetarian.

Basically, she was scuba diving and looking at all the beautiful fish and coral and everything when a red snapper (I hope I have that right) swam by and her most basic gut instinct was "Mmmm...that looks
delicious!" She told the story better, but I think it's fantastic. Maybe I'll call her "FF" from now on for "Fish Food." That will have to do unless she requests otherwise (she asked for my blog address, so theoretically she could demand a different name). Anyway, it was a great group to go out with. A lot of the others in the class are fun, but this particular bunch is all people who
listen and seem to actually pay attention to one another. Maybe it's just that they're on the older end of the class spectrum (meaning not late teens and early 20s...I was the baby of the bunch at 24, and I think Mr. Aluminum was the oldest at the ancient age of 42). Maybe the heat and humidity just had us all toned down. Whatever it was, it was lovely.

Him is picking me up tomorrow morning at 8 AM to move my grandfather's couch to Him's apartment. The logistics and everything of moving this stupid couch served as a bit of a catalyst for me to blow up at Him over his being clingy and needy lately. Perhaps I'm a terrible horrible person/friend for not being there 100% for him during his "hour of need," but holy shit, I am a person who needs space and has trouble saying "no" to favor-seeking friends if I'm physically capable of doing said favor. I've gotten much better since high school, but I still end up feeling some combination of strangled and taken advantage of (college friends may recall this coming to a head with my car freshman year), particularly when I feel someone is monopolizing my time. It's taken me a number of days to actually unwind and unravel enough to put things back into perspective and remember that I'm not actually a hermit or a bitch sufficiently to write about this in here. I also really don't want to hurt/piss off Him, since it's not that I hate him or think he's a terrible person or friend or anything. Situational frustration. Hopefully I haven't hurt/pissed him off too much in the last few days as now I'm happy to move on and be friends, particularly now that I can see and deal with what bothered me so much in the first place.
My dog is being weird and whiny and clingy and he hacked up a bunch of clear liquid shit earlier today. I need to call the vet, anyway, for annual shots and heartworm preventive refills. Dogs are expensive. I need a job.
*I exaggerate. No swarm or anything. There's a handful of them and they are very annoying.
**If you don't know what I'm talking about here, ask. I'm not going into it now.
extremely funny and relatable.
Extremely funny and weird when I get complete stranger comments. I know complete strangers read these things, but I still don't get it. I guess if I'm going to be a "real" writer I should get used to being read by people I don't know. My counter certainly goes up more times than I have friends, though I know half of it is a combination of HDS and E checking this thing while they're bored and/or at work and most of the rest is me checking to see if I got any comments.
yeah, i think im on check no. 3 or 4 today. i cant help it. im so bored
i only got to work 24 minutes ago, so... :)
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