Just watched what might be the greatest movie I've ever seen: Seven Samurai. Holy shit. Were it not over 3 hours long and the kind of thing I tend to like a whole lot better than my friends*, I'd tell you to watch it right now.
Did the Nameless College tour and interview today. They don't have dorms so much as gorgeous spacious apartments with views of Grant Park and the lakefront. Too bad I have the dog and no desire to live with kids younger than my former campers in alcohol-free buildings. Otherwise, the interview really only answered one of my questions (who I should get to write my recommendation) as everything else needs to be answered by either a "transcript transfer evaluator" or someone who knows the creative non-fiction department. I already left voice mails for those people, but perhaps I'll email them tomorrow if I don't hear anything. Nameless is big on teaching a craft instead of general mental masturbation. My former four-year institution was a mental-masturbation vat. It's what I thought I wanted seven years ago, and I'm glad I got some of that, but four years of it was just too much. I needed a reason to be writing yet another 12 page paper on something completely irrelevant besides "to get credit for the class." Nameless seems much more focused on teaching you how to do and market your art in a real-world setting. How refreshing.
I'm feeling much better today than I felt yesterday, though I was pretty worn out by the time I got home around 3 and never quite recovered, even after a two hour nap and a roast beef sandwich from the place I like by my el stop. I also made a pit stop at the big huge amazing main branch of the Chicago Public Library. That place is incredible and beautiful and amazing. They have a whole section of librettos to musicals that I'd been meaning to check out. I think having Seussical stuck in my head for a week was sufficient inspiration, especially since I still very much want to write a musical. There are a few ideas still floating around in my head, but the one that I think I'd have the easiest time both actually writing and eventually selling required me to find The Music Man libretto, which I did. So Personwithwhomistillintendtowriteamusicalthatdoesntcompletelysuck: it's coming.
I still taste like the onions that were on my sandwich at lunch. Stupid onions.
*Than my friends like it. Not that I like the movie better than I like you, though that's probably also true because you smell.
onions are gross.
music man isn't, though.
shit, wish i'd read this before commenting. hahhahahaha awesomeness.
the star of your new musical iiiis...
Seven Samurai is my dad's favorite movie of all time. He made me watch it when I was ten. I thought it was really long.
Later, when I learned how to mentally masturbate, I no longer thought three hours was so long for a film.
I played in the Seussical. It Seussisucked. Though I bet you liked that they kept singing "A person's a person no matter how small." After hearing that a hundred times a day for a week I wanted to shoot myself.
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