BB’s not understanding my less than subtle “I AM NOT INTERESTED” cues makes more sense now that I see how completely oblivious he is to other people’s social and emotional states of being. We did more stuff that required mirroring things like “happy” and “sad” and he just can’t do it. It’s like he doesn’t bother to listen and just chooses what he’s going to do at random. Fucking annoying.
After my class on Saturday I went to see an apartment for my New Best Friend (NBF). I’ve never actually met NBF, but he’s the long-time friend of Birdie’s older sister and lived with them for awhile and is moving to Chicago to go to law school so Birdie offered my services as a Chicagoan and I’ve made his apartment a sort of project for myself. The apartment was quite nice and actually reminded me a lot of my own only half a block from park and beach on the lakefront and a whole lot cheaper, but it’s in East Rogers Park, which is way the hell north (almost to Skokie) and is still a bit gritty for a little blonde girl to run around with her dog at night.

Like the beach and park thing is gorgeous, but the benches are all taken by homeless people, even on a Saturday afternoon. I’m reasonably “street savvy” and know how to handle all of the “Hey sweetie, over here” comments (the polite ignore), but I’d rather not have to do that constantly every time I want to walk my dog. Not to mention my dog might try to attack them, which wouldn’t be very nice at all.
I spent a long time on Friday and Sunday at my parents’ house trying to fix their stupid computer. It was completely infected with spyware to the point that we ended up having to reinstall the entire operating system. Many, many hours on the phone with tech support.

My friend I’ve known since 1st grade (we’ll call him “Red” for now) came over for dinner Friday night. I cooked, since my parents were just getting back from their cute vacation together on the east coast. They make me a little bit want to throw up with how cute they are sometimes. Not that I’m complaining…I appreciate having parents with a happy marriage, but still, very high puke factor. After dinner, Red and I went to the only bar in my parents’ suburb. It was unbelievably lame, but nice to hang out with him. Then Sunday night Him came with me out to the parents’ and hung out and ate dinner and played poker with my family. He’s very much like another sibling. It’s weird. My sister was saying how, even though she hadn’t seen Him for like 7 years it just felt like another brother was around. I spent much of the time on the computer and phone fixing the fucking spyware shit, but I wasn’t too concerned about Him feeling awkward being left to fend for himself with my parents.
I had a job interview today that went very well, and while I don’t want to jinx things, I’m pretty sure I’ll be a barrista by August. Splendid.
I haven’t seen E in forever. I should call her, but she has a job now, so perhaps this weekend…
Yeesh. I am very tired all of the sudden. Food coma, I guess.
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