Today I was at Sunny's younger brother's wake. He would've been 17 in September. Sunny had tears down her cheeks as she stood with her mother and smiled, receiving guests. The line was long and the rooms were packed from the time we arrived at 2 (when the wake was scheduled to begin) until we left after 4:30. The place that held the wake does a lot of "high-tech" memory stuff, including a website dedicated to the deceased individual with his or her "life story," information on the services, a guest book, video/slide show thing, and places to post memories and photos. There were computers set up at the wake for people to add things and see what others had added. I would totally post the link to Sunny's brother's page, but that whole anonymity thing has me in a safe-side compromise: this is the funeral home chain's site so you can see what I'm talking about without knowing the specific person or location. There were tons of photos and his old shirts and trophies and a really cute letter he'd written his mom when he was little (I couldn't actually read it as I started crying as soon as I realized what it was). There was food: cheese and crackers, fresh cherries, scotcheroos (apparently a favorite of the brother), brownies, and M&Ms cookies. I joked with Birdie (the code name I am giving one of my other college friends...the other female with whom I spent most of my time) that you could tell it wasn't a Jewish function because there wasn't a ton of food. Actually, I thought the food was perfect; some salty, some sweet, some fresh (as in the fruit), and all snacky and easy to eat while milling about. Every time I started to get teary (like when I first saw the body and when I first saw Sunny and when I watched Sunny's father's face melt with grief as he hugged one of his best friends*) I would bee-line it to the food. Gave me a chance to pull myself together a bit and think about something very mundane and present. There was also a "grief dog" who mostly wandered around the party staring at people's food, but I liked the idea.
Other things can wait or remain unwritten.
*I don't actually know if the guy was his friend or what, but that's just what it looked like and I'm too tired to craft that extra bit of information into the sentence.
**Does the word "fucking" pack more punch when it is splitting an infinitive?
***I put that text big because I want it to be read by even my friends who are the skimmiest of blogskimmers (not that I blame them at all for being skimmy).
i'd like to go almost anywhere but here for an indefinite period of time...
I would post suggestions for my codename here, but I'd have to do it anonymously, no? And then how would you know whose codename they're for?
Geniusbutt: jnr is a perfectly acceptable codename, and if you want a different one there's nothing wrong with posting it here as it's ok for people to figure out that jnr is the same person as, say, Geniusbutt, but I'd rather keep jnr and Geniusbutt seperate from what jnr actually stands for. Unless it stands for "Jewy Nutty Rapscallion," which only gives your identity away to those who already know you.
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