Thursday, October 26, 2006

Things thought and found

Boys are distracting. Very, very distracting. Especially when I start craving them, the way I do steak. Yes, male population: you are a piece of meat to me. May I chop you up and eat you now? There is something completely carnal and undeniable about it.

Thing I thought was funny: Ikea Product or Lord of the Rings Character?

Thing I find amazing: The difference between two beers on and empty stomach and two beers on a full stomach. Because two beers should not have me even remotely toasted, and yet...

I shrunk my dog's super-cute hoodie in the dryer and it no longer fits him. So I brought it for NBF's dog and it fit her and she looks like the cutest little thug ever. Sad to give it up, but glad it will be well used by another.

The other morning at lunch my mom said (with tears in her eyes) she finally understands that it's ok for people to hurt and that she's sorry she didn't realize it sooner. That's a huge step for her and I'm very proud. It's weird that I'm several steps ahead of her in the whole self-realization thang, but I've always felt like our roles are reversed and I know she's felt that way with her mother. I suppose it's foolish to assume our parents will be our teachers and much better to think of every generation as an improvement on the last so that humanity can move in a positive direction.

Drunk and doing karaoke on Saturday night. It was fun. I'm baffled by the number of people I know who have done cocaine. I have no desire to try it. Ever. Maybe it's just because I've got my migraines and enough other medical fun shit, but I just don't see the appeal. Not to mention chemical high seems overrated. But karaoke is fun and alcohol is more than enough social lubricant for me. Guys get touchy, but then again so did I. Stupid boys. Why do they have to be so delicious?

My halloween costume is 90% complete. I love Halloween. Any excuse to dress up (preferably slutty) is fine by me.

NBF and I went to the most amazing place on earth the other day: Lost Eras. Two huge floors of costumes and antiques and totally random crap. Like an entire wall of antique fans. Another one of antique radios. A rack of fairy tale costumes. Stacks and stacks of hats, including every era and rank of the military. Unfathomable.

I think I pass out now.


Anonymous said...

i get full on less than one beer, without food. probably couldn't fit 2 in. glad to hear you're having no problem gettin' 'em in there, though. ;)
what are you going to be for halloween??
for the kids' party @ the library i am going to be Poison Ivy (it's a superhero themed party) and for everything else i'm going to be Andy Warhol.
steve is going as "alternative energy." nerd!
wish you were here & could (halloween) party with us!!! much love.

Anonymous said...

i realize poison ivy is not a superhero. i am, in fact the only villain on staff.
just not interested in heroes, i guess. well, batman. yes, definitely batman.

Annabell said...

Villain's are way more fun, anyway. I will be a slutty cop.

Anonymous said...

ohhh... slutty fashion police. nice.


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