Wednesday, April 18, 2007

over the outfluence

I'd swear my life over to a regimen of pill-popping uppers and downers if I thought it would make any difference. But a day like today, during which I stayed consistently conscious from 8:45 AM onward and partook of a bit too much tequila starting around 8 PM, proves that my body likes to be awake between midnight and 4 AM, regardless of its activities and consumed substances leading up to that point.

I went Nerd Dating. It was fun. I'll be better able to quantify and quality the fun tomorrow, when booze buzz will no longer be a factor, but I played Balderdash twice and a cute intellectual nerd type boy bought me a drink.

Ok, sleeping is not working, but apparently writing isn't either. I'll just drink my delicious but scary green superfood sludge and stare at the dog until I have to get up and go to class.

If the KKK got its own Ben and Jerry's flavor, I think it would be called White (Chocolate) Supremacy.

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