Friday, December 07, 2007

Burning stove experiment: Trial #3453462352

Maybe I do stupid shit/put myself in bad situations because I have no great global wars to fight or worlds to save, so instead I must rescue myself from the Perils of the Unpaid Bill or the Overdue Homework Assignment.

Maybe I am looking to be rescued by someone else. Oh no! Look at me, precariously placed on the edge of procrastination! Whatever can be done! And then my stupid parents keep being the ones to rescue me, and they are not the ones I want to have doing the rescuing. I want some sort of proof that the world is big-hearted and good and that someone else will catch me, like a fireman or an insurance agent, and set it all right again. But no matter how many times I keep falling on my head, I climb back up again to once more plunge over the side with the hope that this time will be different.

How many times in a row can a child touch a burning stove before she is labeled retarded?

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