Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Usual

There's a mouse in my house. I tried to scare it out the door, and it may have made it out the door, but I'm not sure. Did it come in when I opened the door earlier to shut up the smoke detector? I made fried chicken (gluten and dairy free and entirely delicious) earlier and my smoke detector likes to go off when I do sit-ups. My house isn't OCD clean at the moment, but it's nowhere near vermin-worthy. Dishes are in the dish washer. Food is away. Maybe I need to wipe down the counters better or mop again. I need to mop before my friends from out of town show up. Today I 90% finished putting together my chandelier and figured out exactly where I'm hanging my living room art. I wanted to get a lot more done, but I'm having ouchy-head day. No death pain, just distracting pain and the general stupid feeling. No auction, no shopping with Neighbor Guy, no selling things. I'm trying to decide if it's better to drug myself and go to bed now or put up the towel hook and clean the hell out of the kitchen and hit other small projects while I'm conscious. I'm probably better off getting to sleep at a normal hour and keeping my medications on schedule and all that. I'm not in uber-productive manic mode anyway, so I'm not wasting supernova time. Bed. Drugs. Sleep. Be nice to body and maybe body will be nice to me tomorrow.

1 comment:

hds, friend-to-the-animals, said...

There may just be mice in your building. Put out a live trap. We had some mice a few months ago and could NOT figure out how they got in. They're totally gone now, though.

boringest comment ever.


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