Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Burn baby burn

This is my local library branch. I hear if you set enough books on fire, people stop being gay. Look out, true crime section; I've got a match with your name on it!


Anonymous said...

i spend much time researching with my special librarian tool to find a pattern in books that are catalogued as "lost."
i'm not going to point fingers (at the free-speech hating conservative bible-thumping control freaks) but let's just say that we have very few texts left on anything that could be considered occult-ish.
if the arsonists had waited long enough, they may not have even needed to bother with a fire. there's something going on that involves people petitioning and laws being passed where the people can choose to say "that book can't go here" or "lock that one up in a special case." the subject matter? sex & sexuality.
'cause it's fucking dirty.
and the government has the responsibility to guard our children from their own curiosity and natural desire to learn.

Annabell said...

Why are people such fucking idiots?


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