excerpt from an email I got today from BB (I started the class email list last night):
I didn't make clear yesterday that I wanted to passalong some job leads for you, but felt a bit awkward doing that in front of everyone, being that this might have embarrassed you.So I feel a little bad, except that he had plenty of opportunity to make his intentions clear without "embarrassing me" and I'm fairly certain having a palsy does not necessitate a complete lack of social grace. Maybe that makes me insensitive, but I generally expect people with any sort of handicap to be able to function in the ways not directly effected by said handicap. I'm happy to have patience with his physical difficulties, it's the regular ol' annoying guy stuff that pisses me off. Like if a blind person was also a complete airhead, the physical handicap doesn't really work as a valid excuse for the stupid.
Anyway, I had a much better time going out with the larger class group, and I don't think I'm looking for another teaching gig right now. I'll be nice in my response, and I do feel a little bad (and maybe I'm just saying all this crap to justify my actions), but whatever.
Perhaps it is dangerous that I am now blogging in relative anonymity, as I no longer feel obligated to make myself sound like a decent human being.

My grandfather is back out of the hospital. Yay. I should go visit him tomorrow.
My head hurts. Could it perhaps have something to do with the long list of things I consumed yesterday that tend to be my triggers? I was eating edamame. They were delicious, but soy is on my trigger food list. And this was after drinking coffee and before drinking beer. Not to mention the soy sauce with the sushi, and who knows what else in the sushi that may or may not get along with my brain.
damn edamame.
put me down for 7 bags.
don't know if that means 7 MORE bags or 7 bags total. i figure if i don't clarify, i'll win.
'cause clearly there's a lot of money riding on this.
p.s. a colleague of mine (hate that word. probably not using it right) has cerebral palsy, and he gives not a fuck what other people think of him. in this case, it's the attitude and not the palsy that give him an excuse to be socially deviant.
doesn't sound like your BB though.
I would probably like the guy you know a lot better. Is he single?
lol i think so.
does it matter whether or not he still deals drugs to children?
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