Thursday, December 28, 2006

taken and left

Surgery was successful and friend is doing fine. Much relief, though the rest of the relief won't come until the test results are back.

I have a friend who, like me, has an eclectic set of interests and life-pursuits that don't necessarily mesh well with one another. Unlike me, he tends to keep them compartmentalized and only shows certain facets to certain people. I prefer to take my ugliest and most shocking, dislikable bits and lay them right out there and declare "This is me - take it or leave it," then get indignant and bitter with the world when it chooses to "leave it." Clearly, both methods are flawless. But as he figured out earlier today, he is narcissistic while I am ego centric: he thinks he is the best while I think I am the center. It's an interesting but important distinction.

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