Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friend OK, Dietary Habits Notsomuch

They found my friend and she is OK. She was hit by a car, knocked unconscious, and taken to the ICU. Mild concussion seems to be the worst of it but I guess the police didn't manage to notify the right people because her family and boyfriend all freaked out.

I don't know what to eat anymore to keep myself fed throughout the day. Dry rice puffs, fritos, avocado, leftover Indian food that somehow got spicier to an almost unbearable level, rice cakes, pea pods, orange juice, apple juice. I should figure it out, but I think I'm way under on all kinds of calories and nutrients, which probably has me feeling worse than any migraine-triggering individual food did to start with.

Just plugged in everything I ate today into the Lean Cuisine Meal Planner thingy. Verdict? About 1300 calories, almost 500% my required vitamin C, good on dietary fiber, and it's downhill from there. 40% of my protein, 28% iron, 23% vitamin A, and a sorry 17% of my calcium. I seem to have managed a zero cholesterol day, for what that's worth. Very low fat and sodium, too. Just low food and nutrients as well. Tomorrow I'm eating something dead. Maybe I should defrost a chicken breast tonight. My basil plant is getting too big for its container, so whatever dead thing I eat needs to be slathered in basil.

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