Friday, January 08, 2010

Green Mills and Fire Drills

Drinking seems like a good idea because it is the social norm and then I feel better for a few hours even if I feel worse later.

NEW for 2010: dating boys even if I'm not particularly attracted to them. I know a lot of really great guys, but I keep throwing them out of the dating pool because I don't find them attractive and/or I don't see any real long-term potential. Fuck that. Date them all. Maybe something sparky will show up, and if it doesn't, at least I'm getting some much-needed practice. Fire drills.

Aural Girl and I went to the Green Mill tonight. It was a lot of fun. I'm very happy to have a friend with whom I can do that sort of shit, last minute on a Thursday.


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HDS said...

Ooh, he has a boobs map? That could be helpful on my next roadtrip.


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