Saturday, January 30, 2010

In a perfect world...

Dear doctors,
When Walgreens calls you to refill a prescription, call them back. Due to insurance, I can  only refill my prescriptions a week in advance. That should be plenty of time to authorize additional refills. It's a huge part of what you do.

Dear Walgreens,
If the doctor doesn't call back, please try calling again. Please. I am at home not knowing if or how much you have hounded them. I don't know if they've already called it back in and you just haven't completed the prescription. You claim to do all of this so I don't have to. Great. Then please do.

There is a reason I am on so many medications, and when that reason coincides with those medications not getting refilled, it sucks a lot. I'm having enough trouble walking the dog and feeding myself at semi-regular intervals. It would be great if I didn't need to chase down doctors on the weekend when I've run out of my emergency supply because only one of my five refills are ready for pick-up and I submitted it all on Monday.

In large amounts of pain and this is not helping,

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