Monday, January 08, 2007

The good, the bad, and the conventional

I feel that today can be most simply put in three categories:

  • I showed up to my orientation and it was completely irrelevant that I was late and unregistered
  • I registered for classes that are to start the 22nd
  • I got into the creative non-fiction workshop even though it was listed as full and I'd already resigned myself to having to wait to take it
  • I talked with a transcript evaluator and got my accepted credits bumped up from the 55 they originally took to 75, and once they get my AP scores I should only have to take two science classes and a history class to complete my non-major requirements
  • I mapped out a potential plan for my entire future college courses, earning a BFA in Fiction Writing with a Creative Nonfiction concentration, and it's comfortably do-able in two years (assuming they offer things I need during summer sessions)
  • They gave us lunch when we picked up our IDs at the end of the day
  • I think I'm actually excited to start my classes
  • Lean Cuisines were on sale at Jewel for $2 each
  • Between oversleeping and going to the wrong building 5 blocks away, I was half an hour late for orientation and missed the free breakfast
  • I may have to take a bunch of really stupid basic journalism classes to get to the magazine writing classes. I'm willing to do it, but it fills up my schedule with lots of things I'd rather skip
  • The advisors only knew their own departments, so my journalism questions remained unanswered
  • I have to pay a $25 "archive retrieval fee" to the stupid College Board people because my AP scores are more than 4 years old
  • The only other person my age at the orientation has a 4-year-old baby
  • I still know nothing about my U-Pass, health insurance, or gym availability
  • The guy at Dunkin Donuts gave me a free donut, which sounds like a good thing and was very nice but I'm trying to be healthier and I ate it which is not healthier
  • My migraine is still lurking. Low-grade, but lurking
  • Since I significantly overslept, I didn't shower and my hair was a mess and I wore my glasses and looked like a complete schlep
  • My ID photo. I looked crappier than I try to ever be in public, and then they took my picture for something I have to keep for the next two-ish years
  • Your mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the college board people make me cuss. i don't remember which tests i took as APs and which i took as CLEPs, so talking to them is SO MUCH FUN. i can't wait to send them money. CAN'T. WAIT.

ps i love schleppy you.

pps gdammit how does one get the secret word wrong every time?? where are my glasses?


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