Monday, January 29, 2007

shitty shitty bang bang

Dear Fiction teacher,

How much longer do we have to write trite, overly descriptive shit? Because
it is making me cranky.

I got about four lines into my in-class writing assignment today before I had to stop it and just start bitching in my journal.

"Now see an object. How does it affect your space? Describe your space. What other objects might be there? What characters would be in this space? What conversations might they have? Now get to the moment when something happens. Write that moment. What part does the object play in this moment? What images can you use from our one-word exercise? Now get to the next moment...."

I feel like this is a very good way for a very specific type of person to do a very specific type of writing. Otherwise, it produces adjective-heavy pieces of crap that reek of the hyper-conscious efforts going into them. It kills any sense of individual voice or style and leaves behind contrived doo-doo.

I need a drink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a good start.

You see a drink. How does that drink affect your space? Where is the space that you are having that drink? .....


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