Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yes, this is my third post today.

Can't sleep. Head is still hurting, and I'm going to the fiction writing department's orientation tomorrow unannounced. One is supposed to have taken one's assessment tests (like to prove I don't need remedial math or English and hopefully get out of their "this is a computer...this is how to turn it on" class) before one's orientation. Because I got in oh so very last minute, there were no available dates to get "assessed" before the fiction orientation, so the online registration thing wouldn't let me RSVP to tomorrow's festivities. I instead RSVPed to Friday's journalism orientation with an assessment time on Tuesday and emailed the orientation people to find out what to do. Having not heard back, I'm just going to show up tomorrow (I mean, what better place to be at 8 AM on a Monday morning) and assume it will all work itself out. It usually does.

I just showered. That's a good sign for my crawling out of the migraine hole. My own stink was getting to me. I'll still shower in the morning, but I think the wafting stench is part of why I couldn't sleep on my first attempt. I'm also treating myself to some serious Biore stripping. I love these things. I'm attempting my greater cheek region for the first time. Those pores don't really looked clogged but they're quite big so we'll see. Be glad I don't have a digital camera with a really good macro lens because you know I would post the pictures of the gross little pore cloggies sticking up off the strip.

I owe people phone calls. I thought that's what this weekend would be for, but the migraine killed that plan. So people who know I should be calling: I haven't forgotten you.


Anonymous said...

omg how wonderful. did you get anything other than skin cells from your cheeks? steve is hopefully taking me to the skin doctor on friday. hopefully.

Annabell said...

You should have SEEN the cheek ones! They were as gross as my nose and chin, which were predictably gross! Good luck with the skin doctor. That sounds dirty.


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