Monday, January 22, 2007

You'll always be Husband #1 to me

I started school. Two classes today: Creative Non-Fiction a la English Department, and Fiction I. The creative non-fiction teacher seems fabulous and I think we are (pardon the pun) on the same page about the genre and the writing process in general. My fiction teacher kept saying "what do you see" in response to things, and I kept not seeing things because I am completely non-visual but that doesn't mean I can't have a descriptive response, just stop friggin' asking me to see. And he wants us to keep a paper journal - blogs don't count, and we're not even allowed to bring computers into class, which is frustrating for me because I write much better on a computer and we do a lot of writing in class. I'm not sure yet how I will negotiate between journal writing and blog writing since so much of it will be the same. Perhaps I'll have to start going to the journal first and then typing the relevant shit on here later. Still, it feels like having two husbands. My classmates (particularly in the Fiction class) seem to range from Fucking Idiots to Pretty Cool. But perhaps all these things are good in that they force me out of my comfort zone.

Maybe I'll say more about this shit tomorrow, but right now I'm just completely drained and gassy and borderline-incoherent, so I will drink my beer and pass out on my dog.

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