Thursday, June 04, 2009

Batty in the head going batty in the head. I'm awake but there's a dream happening just below the surface. I want to capture it and write it down but as soon as I concentrate enough to write it, it disperses at my touch. I didn't even take the extra weird medications today, this is just me and the standard cocktail plus a low constant pain that feels like my brain is bruised deep down. Like it would make perfect sense somehow if this was the dream and the "reality" was my brain fell off the shelf and got banged up and now I'm just feeling the soreness of the fall and trying to operate with this bruised aching brain.

Maybe we're all just brains on shelves and migraine sufferers are the ones whose brains get used as soccer balls.

Zomigawd I have to pack for my cousin's wedding this weekend. Concentrate concentrate think think think. This is like the time I tried to go to the grocery store really really stoned, but without the element of fun or choice.

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