Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Open Letter

Dear Two Guys Installing My Elfa Shelves,

Please do it right. And carefully. Be anal about it. Not like my bathroom sink which is flush to the wall on one side and half an inch away on the other so that the whole unit is at an angle, made obvious by the way it sits askew to the tiles on the floor. Not like my dining room ceiling, which is incredibly streaky because the paint goes on streaky but perhaps you could have said or done something before you were completely finished?

Is there a reason you don't have and/or don't bring tools? Just wondering. Because last time you had to go out and get a level (perhaps a carpenter square would have served you well, too), and today you had to buy the correct drill bits before you could do anything. And then borrowed my pliers. And my scissors, step stool, paper towels, vacuum, hammer...sorry I didn't have a rubber mallet. Maybe I'll get one for next time.

I'm very glad you're nice. I'm nice, too. Until you fuck up my house. Don't fuck up my house.


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