Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Grain is Rice or Corn

I'll get back to The Columbian later. Can't really concentrate or think about that story right now, so you get a different one.

Let me be frank with you all for a moment. Maybe Frank is having an easier time than Annabell.
The migraine stuff has been rough. I'm drugged out of my mind to the point that it takes all my concentration to accomplish simple tasks. Writing has never been difficult for me and yet this blog post is requiring all kinds of extra initiative and push and time. I have bills to pay and phone calls to make, too, and they very well may take me hours instead of minutes.

My latest major anti-migraine push has been a diet change. Since there are a bazillion little additives and weird things in our foods, any number of which could be triggering or causing the migraines, I'm taking them all out. Gluten, milk, and eggs are always big question marks for migrainey people, too. I did a version of the no gluten diet six years ago, but now that things are so bad I'm being extremely strict just so I can either find a culprit or officially rule food out as a cause.

So, the only foods I am eating are:
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • potatoes
  • corn
  • rice
  • milk
  • meat
  • sugar in its nice pure sugar form (no corn syrup or weird fake sugar products or derivatives)
  • spices that can be found in a spice cabinet (MSG is not a spice)
  • butter
  • olive and vegetable oil (NO soybean or peanut oil, more strictly than usual)
  • beans (meaning garbanzos since they're the ones I like)
I think that's it. No eggs. I'll eventually add eggs back in and take out milk, but getting rid of both simultaneously seemed like too much. No soy. No gluten. No multisylabic anything. No chemical anything. I'm trying to buy organic and reading labels like a Wall Street Journal editor. I feel like a hippie. I'm so all-natural, except for the copius amounts of drugs I take every day in pill form.

I've been eating a lot of rice cereal and Indian food with rice cakes. Yesterday I made it to the grocery store and got yogurt, but only plain yogurt passed my dietary test, so I took my buy one get one free organic strawberries, chopped some up in the blender, and mixed them in with said plain yogurt. I considered adding sugar but thought no! I own real vanilla! So I added in a splash of vanilla. And since I was in the spice cabinet I saw my cinnamon, and I love cinnamon, so I mixed that in, too. Let's just say Dannon can suck it.

Why do I already need to lay down again? Is new diet worse for me? Is rice actually my kryptonite? Will dog ever stop whining even though I'm not letting him lick my empty yogurt bowl?

Tune in next time.

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