Thursday, August 03, 2006


Blah. I spent last night at my parents' largely because the migraine was being cranky, but the rain finally came and broke the pressure and I am human again. I had tickets to this improv show thing last night, too, but had to miss it because I just wasn't up to going. On the plus side, we rented A Fish Called Wanda, which was absolutely fantastic. One of the best, funniest comedies I've seen in my entire life. Kevin Kline is insane and amazing and the whole cast rocked my socks. Rent it.

The storm last night was quite impressive. The lightning was constant and seems to have hit the house, though the only thing that actually blew (the computer) was the one thing plugged into a surge protector. Not good. Especially after all the friggin' time I spent fixing that thing the other week. At least it means everybody backed up all there stuff.

NBF called today to say the fax I sent his potential future landlord was never received. I have the fax receipt, which I plan on faxing with everything again so that they have proof I didn't just flake out. As for NBF in general, I don't know if Birdie warned him or if he's just a high quality human being, but he's been extremely cautious and grateful with everything I've done and sees them all as me doing him big favors. I really appreciate that sort of thing. Like, I'm happy to do things for people, but considering how obligated I personally feel to do whatever I can, it's nice when the other person doesn't act like I'm obligated to do it.

I love my sister but I don't always like her. Funny how that works.

Thank you, HDS, for encouraging my blog art. I just feel like I'm so damn verbose that anyone reading this should get to look at pictures along the way and/or use them to decide what sections to actually bother reading.

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