Sunday, November 05, 2006

gay clubs are fun if I'm drunk enough

Drunk and dancing and entertained but I wasn't going to get drunk but I only drank two of my own and then other person's drinks kept ending up in my hands and down my throat and now I am more drunk than I should be considering my migraine and working tomorrow and such. Also, the encouragement of bad behavior is not appreciated when the behaviorist is too inebraited to be sure it is bad. My hadncuffs broke. Very sad. Quality $2 merchandice. I'm impressed with my own ability to write right now. Maybe it's like breathing where the automatic shit takes over. I'm very proud of NBF for staying up so long, but ashamed of myself for not being better behaved when I'm in a migraine cycle and needing to be at work by 12:30 tomorrow. Line up the waters 'cause I'm gonna need some serious hydration in a few hours. I need to burp a lot right now. Burp burp burp. Good sushi for dinner. Then alcohol. Now burp. Oh dear lord I better be ok tomorrow. I need to hire a babysitter.

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