Saturday, August 15, 2009

I was too frustrated/befuddled/tired last night to write. Neighbor Guy is being all depressed and dumb about it. He's so emotionally stunted I want to shake him and slap him a lot, but I can't do the work for him or say magic words to fix him and that frustrates me. Possible Boy and I went over to see what was going on with Neighbor Guy and I realized I couldn't just say whatever I thought Neighbor Guy needed to hear but I also had to tailor it so it was Possible Boy acceptable, too. Neighbor Guy wouldn't cry with Possible Boy there, and I wouldn't do nearly as much bitchy tough love. But it was good, too, because I was more aware of how narcissistic and monologuey I get when trying to help.

I'm fuzzy this morning. I was feeling good when I went to walk my dog, but computer makes me fuzzy. I cleaned out my hall closet. Something smells like poop and I can't figure out what. It may be one of my estate sale items.

Still like Possible Boy. He's still spending lots of time with Other Girl, but I know from comments he's made they're not getting it on. She's not thrilled at my existence. She reminds me a lot of myself.

Did I mention I'm fuzzy? Writing is hard today. Can't focus. Stopping now.

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