Monday, August 24, 2009


They've been resurfacing the street outside my window for over a week now. It makes my dog whiny and crazy. I'm having trouble staying awake again. It's that heavy need-to-sleep-now feeling I get sometimes and today is day four. The pain stopped being a problem after a day or so, but I'm just so sleepy. Hormonal, perhaps? No clue with this crazy progesterone added to my system.

I'm working my way through my pile of "ohmigawd I don't want to deal with this" bills and stuff today. No more letting it freak me out. I sorted it and put it in piles and it's not nearly as horrible as I thought. I even have two things ready to mail already, and a lot will be put to rest with one big phone call to my health insurance, assuming they can explain the many confusing and inconsistent things. If I get through to everybody I need to today, I will be free of this sort or worry by tomorrow. That would be swell. Maybe my eyes will magically change color.

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