Friday, August 21, 2009

Space Invaders

I try to be too many different things to different people. Shiny Happy Annabell is still new to me. When I am tired and hungry, I am easily overwhelmed. Yesterday was full of wonderful things, like the Asian grocery store and playing the violin for the first time in forever. Yesterday also seems to have required all of today to decompress, and I'm still having trouble. Neighbor Guy is exhausting. He survived genocide, child abuse and foster care by the time he was 10, but his greatest personal tragedy was when his husband left him six years ago. He's fun and bright and full of energy and makes me do things outside of my comfort zone. He also does something I do and now I see how it can be not so good; he gets ideas for elaborate projects or adventures and then drags you through them bleary-eyed just as much and as far as he feels like going no matter how you feel about it. Pro: experiencing the adventure. Con: as the dragee, your feelings get ignored. I understand that he wants to share things he loves with people he cares about, but it would be good to check in with the passengers and make sure they're still alive.

Sorry to everyone I've ever dragged, ignored or invaded.

Bioré strips are awesome.

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