Friday, July 28, 2006

Quality time with quality people

Last night I went to a random martini bar by E's house. It's nice that the Token Female Friend thing is mutual. We have fun. We rant. We drink girly drinks and complain about boys. It's quality.

Then this morning (I was actually on the El before 8:30 AM) I went for coffee with a friend from high school I hadn't seen in at least six years. It's nice when people you liked before change and grow up into people you like still/again.

I'm in cracked-out manic mode. I slept like 5 hours last night and didn't nap today but I drank about 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning and I'm still all squirrelly. Ooh, and the phone just rang with plans. I am too popular for my own good.

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