Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I was home this afternoon by 2. Spent most of the day on the computer and reading and sleeping and snuggling the dog. Him called when I was still in Indiana to see if I wanted to do something. HDS also clearly needs love and support right now, but if I don't take at least a day or so for myself to recover, I'm going to be no use to anyone. So friends who need me right now, I am sorry, but I need me. I'll be there (emotionally) as soon as I can.
I also have all this other crap I need to do that I put off first on account of my grandfather and then when I went off to Sunny's: turning in applications, getting letters of recommendation and setting up an interview for the college thing, making another appointment for the cleaning service to come (before it gets too bad again), actually putting E's birthday present together in a way that makes it more presentable*, transcribing the rest of my grandfather's life story, and I'm sure there are other things I need to do that aren't coming to mind right now.

*bad pun fully intended

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