- Ear, nose and throat doctor (back when I didn't recognize the auras as migraine and thought I just had lots of "dizzy spells)
- Dizzy test (again, back in the "dizzy spell" era)
- MRI (to make sure there wasn't anything lodged in my brain...if you're nice to me I'll show you the creepy eyeball/brain picture that I got to keep)
- Lots of time with the neurologist and his med student lackies at the Cleveland Clinic's headache clinic
- Over-the-counter analgesics (Aspirin, Tylenol, etc.)
- Anaprox (prescription-strength Aleve)
- Triptans (Imitrix, Maxalt, Relpax)
- Caffeine (my friend, my foe)
- Codeine
- Ergotamines (the DHE I had to inject into my tummy flab and the Migranal nasal spray that's $45 a dose)
- Anticonvulsants (Depakote, which is a cousin of Topamax)
- Antipsychotics (Seroquel, Zyprexa)
- Antidepressants (Effexor XR)
- Antinausea drug (Reglan)
- Sketchy European muscle relaxants (left over from my nasty migraine bout in Vienna in 2002)
- Botox injections in my neck (I think this was helpful, but my current insurance is crap and it's over $1000 and has to be repeated every few months and not many doctors do it)
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
- Feverfew (some other herbal thing)
- Magnesium (more vitamin crap)
- Beta blockers (Nadalol...very bad for me with my low blood pressure and natural tendency towards depression)
- Allergy testing
- Elimination diet (HDS may remember this one, as I tried to avoid all wheat products at camp and ate crappy rice bar things a lot)
- yoga (ok, I went twice, but I didn't really like it)
- Peace of Mind (Origins aromatherapy product I use a lot)
- Head On (applied directly to the forehead, it's soothing but a weird consistency...I still use it occassionally)
- Wellpatch Migraine (ooh, maybe I'll go put one of those on before bed)
- Walgreens Ultra Strength Muscle Rub
- marijuana (the most recent new "cure")
I may have left something off the list, but that should give you some idea.
1 comment:
effexor is a bitch. not that i've had it, and not that you don't already know, but it is. anaprox, on the other hand, is awesome until your body starts to ignore it.
and i do remember the elimination diet... don't forget the fruit leathers! they're yummy. i remember not being sure whether or not you were going back to eating glutens or whatever & i was your secret sis & wanted to leave you snacks. :)
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