Friday, November 20, 2009

ouch brain whine whine whine

Ouchy in the head. All day. Not terrible, but enough to get in the way. No following my schedule today. I knew as soon as I woke up. I had wine last night, but not that much. This isn't a wine headache. Front of my head. Pressure. Weather headache.

I have a pumpkin from Halloween sitting on my front table and it needs to go in the garbage. Flashback to Birdie and my college dorm, sophomore year when we didn't throw ours out for months as it rotted away. This one still looks like a pumpkin, but there's no need to push it. I just forget about it because it's out of the way.

I ate a lot of puffed rice today. I feel like that may be making the head worse.

Ok, as I'm writing this, Birdie texts me to say she's in upstate New York watching two of our mutual college friends performing in some show with some band. Crazy.

Dear pills,
Please kick in and make ouchy brain stop. I don't feel like giving myself a shot and I've slept enough today as it is. And I'm bored. And it's Friday night. And I want to drill a hole in my head. A lot. Maybe I should spend some time in the jacuzzi...

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