Monday, November 23, 2009

Trying to mess with things on Blogger. There should be a discussion board-like thing at the very bottom of my blog now. In theory. And opinion buttons after each post. Also, it would seem the new Blogger format is set up so you can easily set up a blog with only very specific people permitted to read it. I'm a bit of an emotional exhibitionist, so it's irrelevant, but that's a very useful feature for the universe.

1 comment:

hds said...

feedback: not seeing opinion buttons. cannot get discussion board widget to work (as in, can't click on something to tell you how i've learned to live with chronic pain)
q&a thing looks like fun in theory, though. as long as i don't have to use my blogger id, unless that's okay now, as i've noticed you using yours on my blog...?


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